Genius Yield and Genius X partner with Clarity Protocol to develop DAO Infrastructure

Genius Yield
4 min readSep 6, 2022


Genius Yield and Genius X are pleased to partner with Clarity Protocol to develop and implement decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) infrastructure for the Genius ecosystem. DAOs are smart-contracts-guided organizations without central authorities that can be launched on public blockchains like Cardano.

Genius Yield is on the quest to deliver decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions for everyone. We plan to launch a decentralized exchange (DEX) and a smart liquidity vault for automating trading strategies on Cardano. Genius Yield is behind Genius X, the business accelerator and launchpad that assists ambitious founders in scaling their Web3 project. Genius X offers technical, marketing, and legal support, together with requisite tools, for all vetted and onboarded projects, ensuring that they have a solid base to gain traction quickly and flourish in the highly competitive crypto scene. In the first phase of their partnership, Clarity Protocol will lay out DAO tooling and enable decentralized governance for Genius Yield. In the second phase, Clarity Protocol will develop the required structure for Genius X to operate as a DAO.

Laurent Bellandi, the Co-Founder & Association President at Genius Yield said:

“The aim of modern-age trustless DAO structures is to break the old rules of corporate hierarchies. Smart contracts on Cardano already make this possible. We are on track on our roadmap, and will further decentralize our protocol’s governance through a DAO. To achieve this critical milestone, we are pleased to partner with Clarity Protocol who will create the Genius Yield and Genius X core DAO infrastructure. On implementation, $GENS or $GENSX holders will, at any time, vote on proposals to determine the path the protocol takes without central coordination.”

The first versions of the Genius Yield and Genius X DAOs will be audited by Tweag or CertiK, two top blockchain security firms. In the first half of 2022, Tweag, Genius Yield’s technical partner, audited smart contracts governing the yet-to-be-released Genius DEX. CertiK also conducted penetration tests on the on-chain trading ramp.

By collaborating with Clarity Protocol, Genius Yield is establishing the foundation for the eventual achievement of one of its critical milestones: devolving control to its users and operating as a DAO. In a mark of decentralization, $GENS holders will have voting rights and decide the development trajectory of the project by voting on proposals.

The Clarity Protocol is on a mission of building a no-code infrastructure for creating, managing, and participating in DAOs on Agora. Agora is a library of Plutus scripts and tools that will anchor decentralized governance in Cardano and allow users to create customized DAOs. Through this partnership, the Clarity Protocol will quickly deliver on its mission of providing the requisite DAO infrastructure for the fast-growing Cardano ecosystem. Their goals also mirror that of Genius Yield of allowing everyone, including users without blockchain or crypto knowledge, to benefit from the powers of smart contracts and DeFi. Clarity DAO actively provides tools and infrastructure to lower technical barriers, allowing anyone to create a DAO and participate in decentralized governance on Cardano. By partnering with Genius Yield and Genius X, Clarity DAO has increased its industry expertise and will unlock valuable resources for projects entering its ecosystem.

About Genius X

Genius X empowers Web3 startups to build impactful and scalable blockchain-based companies. We accelerate and scale incredible projects building on Cardano through our advisory, mentorship, and growth experiences.

The Genius X Multi-Token ISPO will be launched on September 12, 2022 and will last for 25 epochs. It is a program that takes ISPOs as a community-facing crowdfunding mechanism a notch higher. The multi-token ISPO presents an opportunity for any of the over 3.5 million ADA holders to exchange their staking rewards for five (5) tokens from select projects under the Genius X Accelerator program.

Startups keen on joining the business accelerator program and receiving Genius X’s expertise can get in touch and apply here.

ADA Holders — Connect with us on social media and check out the Genius X ISPO, currently running until September 12, 2022 (Epoch 363). The $GENSX token has numerous benefits, such as receiving a share of the platform’s revenue and ISPO NFTs with utility.

Venture Capital / Accredited Investors — Contact us here.

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About Genius Yield

Genius Yield is an all-in-one protocol on Cardano that opens up access to DeFi for everyone. Our solutions, including the Genius DEX and yield optimizer, are practical and distill the needless complexities in the thriving crypto industry.

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About Clarity

From the beginning, the goal of Clarity has been to lower the technical barrier to entry for Cardano users to create and interact with smart contracts enabling anyone to create and participate in a decentralized organization on the Cardano blockchain. With this strategic partnership we have increased our industry expertise and resources available for projects entering the Clarity ecosystem.

We are excited for the future and can’t wait to enable the Cardano community to spin-up and operate DAOs. Check out the links below to get involved in the Clarity community.








Genius Yield

Genius Yield is the all-in-one DeFi platform, that combines concentrated liquidity DEX with an automated yield optimizer.